Parents & Families
Welcome to TIHEST Community! Behind every Champion, there’s a pack of loved ones, mentors and supporters who helped them reach this milestone. We’re so glad you’re here.
Welcome to TIHEST Community
Your role in your student’s life may be shifting, but it’s just as important as ever. We’re here to provide you with the resources you need to help your Champion make the most of their Tandabui experience.
On these pages, you’ll find information on everything from financial aid to campus life to health and safety protocols. You and your Champion are about to embark on a life-changing journey. Welcome to the Tandabui family!
Back to School Checklist
If your Champion is coming to Tandabui for the first time — or returning after a being away for a quarter or more — here is our Back to School Check list for our Champions to stay safe and have a successful start to the quarter.
Your Champion billings
As the parent or family member of a student, we are delighted to keep you informed on payments progress in supporting your champion in their education journey. We want the information to be simple and easy to acquire.

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